
(A Product By InnoStellar)

Chapter-1: The Prologue!

Many of you have been asking and particularly very curious about what Project-VTP is? Or How can it Transform our lives? So, I decided to start writing these posts where I will share the ongoing journey of Project-VTP and also share my knowledge from the books and resources I read, and eventually apply them our my own products, services and the company.

So, let us start with the most basic question, what is InnoStellar all about?

As we say, and moreover is our Mission Statement-"Innovating Breakthrough Solutions to Simplify Lives!", InnoStellar and its team believe that any revolutionary product is created in 3 steps- Brainstorm, Innovate, Revolutionize. We always aim to welcome A-Players in our team. According to Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, "Recruit A-Players to Retain A-Players".
If you recruit the best, you attract and retain more of the best. Author Walter Isaacson of the book Steve Jobs quotes Jobs as saying, “I've learned over the years that, when you have really good people, you don't have to baby them".

According to, the core UI designers of Project-VTP- "Project-VTP is the code name for our project which cannot be disclosed. It is an initiative to create a system that would generate ease among the busy people of daily life. It will be a help to all kinds of people everywhere. It will also help people in dealing with issues that require physical appearance to transform into just a touch of a click-through your PC's and mobile phones and your iPad's. This Project is a revolution in its field. Its entire service cannot be revealed at this moment. Well, its a revolution within."

For me, a true revolution is not the one which puts a company, country, team, or an individual forward, but a true revolution is the one which puts the WHOLE HUMAN RACE FORWARD.

Written By,
-Prakshal Jain
(Founder and CEO, InnoStellar)
(Founder, CEO, and developer, Project-VTP)