Chapter 2

The Philosophy in Art of Developing Software

A revolutionary product does not necessarily mean it should have magical stuff going on in front of users or too much cumbersome to look like rocket science! A revolutionary product is the one which requires a lot of brainstorming to innovate and simplify tasks for users!

Developing a revolutionary and innovative software is no different from Singing or Playing music. The ultimate effect of dealing with both the things are the same- To relief the brain and reduce burden so that the listener (or user) can focus on his/ her goals more effectively. Both of them prove to be a tool that leads to a solution.

But the way consumer uses the tool results in different outcomes. Let us take an example to better understand the concept. Think of a song in your mind. Yes, I know this combination of Music with Software sounds quite odd and un-relatable, but thinking in-depth will result in the same conclusion.